La Wisseloord Academy (lo studio di registrazione più grande in Europa) arriva a Milano.

Nei nostri studi hanno registrato artisti del calibro di U2, Elton John, Michael Jackson e Mick Jagger.

E tu sei pronto per lanciare la tua carriera ?



Blocchi di lezioni mirate a farti diventare un professionista in ambito musicale. Esperienze full immersion, in grado di farti iniziare una carriera di successo.


I nostri corsi prevedono lezione pratiche, tenute da insegnanti di grande esperienza. Due percorsi completi, che ti porteranno a esprimere tutte le tue potenzialità in ambito musicale.


Il nostro corpo docente è composto da insegnanti estremamente qualificati, nomi conosciuti nel panorama musicale, che sapranno introdurti nel mondo della creazione, del mixaggio, della produzione.



Le borse di studio Wisseloord sono una importante opportunità di aiuto finanziario per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi e ai moduli della scuola. Le borse di studio hanno lo scopo di aiutare a coprire il costo delle lezioni, e sono disponibili per quegli allievi che ne abbiano bisogno.

Come istituzione riconosciuta a livello internazionale, Wisseloord può inoltre offrire ai suoi studenti la possibilità di beneficiare di sconti educativi su alcuni dei più importanti software musicali e marchi musicali sul mercato. Molti di questi marchi saranno presenti anche durante l’anno per entrare in contatto con i nostri allievi. (Izotope, Ableton, Universal Audio, Arturia, Avid e molti altri…).

Contattaci per avere maggiori informazioni su come beneficiare di queste opportunità.

Course Module Description When Price semester Price year
The art of Listening, Songwriting & Producing Module 1 This module was designed with the intention of helping our students to develop their creative and musical skills in a practical fashion. Our lectures from industry professionals cover a diverse range of topics including lyric writing, song arrangement, the use of harmony and melody, and the real-world side of writing and production sessions. 4h every Monday €2000 €3000
Career Development & Industry Network Module 2 In these group classes, students are exposed to the ins and outs of the Dutch and European music industry with lectures from some of the most important players in the field. This includes Label Execs, Publishers, Managers, Artists, Producers, Bookers and more. This is a chance to learn from and connect with high-ranking people in the industry in a more direct way than what is offered at any other institution. 4h on Wednesdays, every 2 weeks €800 €1200
Group Work & 1-on-1 feedback Module 3 A unique feature of Wisseloord Academy is the wide variety of talents and experience displayed by our students. Some have been at it for years and have highly-developed skills in songwriting, performing, and playing instruments, while others are just beginning to dip their toe into the world of musical creativity. In these hands-on classes, students teach one another by partaking in production and songwriting sessions. These sessions are guided by mentors of the Academy and guest lecturers who deliver 1- on-1 feedback to help mold and develop creative visions. 4h on Wednesdays, every 2 weeks €800 €1200
DAW Production Module 4 We designed this module to demystify modern music production techniques. This means learning the fundamental principles behind various Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and plug-ins. We cover sound design, synthesis, MIDI programming, signal processing, vocal production, and “in-the-box” recording and mixing. 4h on Saturdays, every 2 weeks €1100 €1600
Audio Recording & Mixing Module 5 This module revolves around audio and understanding the principles of sound. We use the legendary Wisseloord Studios to teach a varied number of topics including acoustics, digital and analogue recording techniques, the fundamentals of mixing and mastering, advanced mixing and mastering, and full-band recording. We aim to help students develop the skills necessary to confidently record, mix, and master full live bands at a professional level. 4h on saturdays every 2 weeks €1400 €2100
Intensive Instrument skills Module 6 Wisseloord has access to a huge network of some of the best touring and session musicians in the country, who are willing to give regular one-on-one lessons as well as masterclasses on advanced techniques. If you’re looking to incorporate your playing into your productions, are interested in picking up a new instrument, or would like to expand your preexisting skillset, this module is specifically created with you in mind. 1h or 3h per week (alternating private and group lessons) €1200 €1750
Stage act development Module 7 In this module, we accompany you through the development process of solidifying your image and presence as an artist on stage. This entails stage coaching for live performances as well as designing the overall artist’s sound, set from the ground up. Whether you want to work with live bands, a DJ, or a hybrid of live and pre-sequenced music, this course covers it all and ultimately aims to put our students at an advantage through contact with industry insiders and professionals in the field. 4h on Saturdays or Sundays evenings, every 2 weeks €1400 €2000
Audio Engineering Module 8 5 private lessons + you join our team during 10 studio sessions €4000
DJ’ing Module 9 Tired of practicing DJ’ing alone in the basement? This module is for the musicians among us that are interested in developing their DJ’ing abilities. From technical skills to the development of your style and onstage stamina, this class covers everything the burgeoning DJ needs to perform. 4h on Saturdays every 2 weeks €1400 €2100
Creative management & Organisation Module 10 Grow skills as an artist manager, A&R and industry professional in a practical way, straight in the heart of the industry.

8-12 hours per week organisation training + projects management.

Work on : Marketing, Promotion, Content creation, Event organisation, etc…

Work on the projects of real artists of the Wisseloord community!

1 on 1 coaching

+ 5 classes of Module 2

Schedule created separately for each participants €1400 €2100

Cosa dicono gli altri

Ho avuto la possibilità di trascorrere 3 settimane presso lo Studio Wisseloord, una delle esperienze più gratificanti della mia carriera. L'ambiente ideale per 'disconnettersi' rimanendo concentrati sulla creazione. Consiglio a tutti un'esperienza come questa. Ps: Grazie Malik per i tuoi consigli, la tua professionalità e la tua gentilezza.

Therry ML

Eccellente studio di registrazione molto ben attrezzato e persone amichevoli con cui poter interagire e lavorare!

Marcel Gelderblom


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